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Made in Oberkochen (FRG) 1968-1997
Model VI: 9 copies
Model VI-A: with added automatic control (5 copies)
Model VI-TD: for tilted dome (2 copies)
- 1968: Rochester (Strasenburgh)
- 1969: Chapel Hill (Morehead), New York (Hayden)
- 1970: Chicago (Adler)
- 1971: Boston (Hayden)
- 1975: Boulder (Fiske)
- 1976: Washington (model VI-A)
- 1977: Stuttgart (model VI-A)
- 1980: Hong Kong (model VI-A)
- 1983: Hamburg
- 1984: Riyadh (model VI-A)
- 1984: Mannheim
- 1985: Santiago
- 1989: Copenhagen (model VI-TD)
- 1993: Pamplona (model VI-A)
- 1997: Taipei (model VI-TD)
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