In the Database (WPD), for each planetarium, if old information and photos are found, additional pages are added (under the links "Previous or Next installation")
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After the World War II (The first fifty years)
To do list:
- all first Spitz A, A1 and A2 (dates and locations)
- all first Zeiss ZKP1 (dates and locations)
- all first russian prototypes (like UP-4 in Saratov)
Blue color : over 15 meters
USSR: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (CCCP)
USSR (GDR): Est Germany (between Oct. 1949 and Oct. 1990)
(FRG): West Germany
First: more precise date
second: different countries
third: USA (by alphabetic order)
- University Park, PA, Prototype (Spitz A?)
- Detroit, MI, 5.5m, 40s, Prototype (Spitz A?)
- Harrisonburg, VA, Eastern Mennonite College, 4.2m, 22s, Spitz A
- May, 23: Saratov, USSR (Russia), 6m, 50s, Prototype UP-4, in a church
- August, 31: Nizhny Novgorod, USSR (Russia), 8m, 120s, Prototype P-1, in a church
- November 7: Yaroslav, USSR (Russia), 8m, in a church
- Tomsk, USSR (Russia), 4.5m, first Zeiss ZKP1?
- Boston, MA, 5.5m, "portable" (Spitz A?)
- Chadds Ford, PA, Spitz Inc.
- Los Angeles, University (Spitz A?)
- Scranton, PA, 4m?, Spitz A
- May 10: Chapel Hill, NC, 20.7m, 330s, Zeiss II (Morehead) from Stockholm and Goteborg.
- Lucknow, India, 6m, 30s
- Annapolis, MD, 6.7m, 45s, Spitz A1
- Decatur, GA, 4.27m, 24s, first Spitz A2? (until 1978)
- Fort Worth, TX, 9.14m, 80s, Spitz A
- Kingston, RI, 4.9m, 21s, Spitz A
- North Canton, OH, 3m, 15s, Prototype Emmons
- April: Cincinnati, OH, 3.7m, 20S, Spitz A1
- Irkutsk, USSR (Russia), 120s, Prototype UP3 (in a church)
- Barnaul, USSR (Russia), 9.5m, 62s, Prototype UP2 (in a church)
- Portland, OR, 5m, Spitz A
- San Francisco, CA, 7.3m, 40S, Spitz A?
- February 18: Kostroma, USSR (Russia), 9m, 50s, Zeiss ZKP1 (in a church)
- Munchen, Germany (FRG), 10m, Zeiss model 1 (a) (temporary after WW2)
- Chattanooga, TN, 3.66m, Prototype (copper dodecahedron)
- Cherokee, IA, 6.1m, 50s, Spitz A1
- Jacksonville, FL, 7.3m?, Spitz A2 (1948?)
- January 1: Kiev, USSR (Ukraine), 14.5m, 180s, Zeiss ZKP1 (in a church)
- January 15: Novosibirsk, USSR (Russia), 6m, 60s, Zeiss ZKP1 (in a church)
- January 23: Bremen, Germany (FRG), 6m, 35s, Zeiss ZKP1
- March 3: Nashville, TN, 6m, 80s, Spitz A1 (Sudekum)
- June 27: Paris, 23.5m, 355s, Zeiss II (Palais de la Découverte) from Paris, Universal exhibition 1937.
- November 8: San Francisco, 19.8m, 375s, Prototype CAS (Morrison)
- Lausanne, Switzerland, 7m, Spitz A1 (from Philadelphia)
- Cleveland, OH, 4.9m, Prototype
- Fort Eustis, VA, 6.1m, 40s, Spitz A
- Morgantown, WV, 6.7m, 25s, Spitz A2
- April 26: Lubbock, TX, Spitz A
- Dallas, TX, ?
- Lancaster, PA, ?
- Newark, NJ, 7.3m, 50s, Spitz A1
- North Canton, OH, 3m, 15s, Prototype Emmons
- Providence, RI, 7.3m, 61s, Spitz A1
- Spartanburg, SC, ??
- January 15: Orenburg, USSR (Russia), 6m, 35s,
- September 18: Maharashtra, India, 9m, 100s, Spitz A1
- September 19: Stalingrad, USSR (Russia), 23m, 500s, Zeiss UPP 23/1s (Volgograd later)
- October 15: Hamilton, Canada, 6.7m, 60s, Spitz A
- December: Memphis, TN, 6.1m, 60s, Spitz A1
- Stralsund, USSR (GDR) 6m, 30s, ZKP1
- Penza, USSR (Russia), 3m,
- Indianapolis, IN, ?
- Fayetteville, AR, 6.1m, 40s, Spitz A1
- Mather, CA, 7.3m, 55s,
- Orono, ME, 6.1m, 45s, Spitz A1
- Sacramento, CA, ?
- Schenectady, NY, 9.1m, 60s, Spitz A2
- Storrs, CT, 4.9m, 25s, Spitz A1
- February 11: Montevideo, Uruguay, 18m, 250s, Spitz B
- December 4: Katowice, USSR (Poland), 22.9m, 405s, Zeiss UPP 23/2s (Chorzow)
- Tver, USSR (Russia), 7.3m, 94s, Spitz A1
- Twin Falls, ID, 6.7m, 45s, Prototype Herrett
- Bloomfield Hills, MI, 7.3m, 94s, Spitz A1
- Westerville, OH, 8.5m, 35s,
- May 11: Jerusalem, Israel, 6m,
- end: New Delhi, India, 6m, 40s, Zeiss ZKP1
- Munchen, Germany (FRG), 15m, 160s, Zeiss model 1 (a)?
- Halifax, Canada, 7m, 30s, Spitz A1
- Kursk, USSR (Russia),
- Brindisi, Italy, 8m, 50s, Zeiss ZKP1
- Ann Harbor, MI, 7.3m, 63s, Spitz A1
- Warterloo, IA, 6.1m, 40s, Spitz A
- Jacksonville, AL, Spitz A
- Yonkers, NY, 3.7m, 20s, Spitz A1
- January 27: Sao Paulo, Brazil, 20m, 350s, Zeiss III
- April 1: Tokyo, 20m, 453s, Zeiss IV (first Zeiss IV, Tokyo Cultural Center)
- September 29: Beijing, 23.4m, 600s, Zeiss UPP 23/2
- Naval Academy, South Korea, Spitz A2
- Kharkov, USSR (Ukraine), 8m, Prototype UE4 (in a church)
- Murmansk, USSR (Russia), 6m, 30s, Zeiss ZKP1
- Annapolis, MD, 7.3m, 40s, (1961?)
- Detroit, MI, 4.3m, 40s, Spitz A
- Flint, MI, 18.3m, 282s, Spitz B
- Los Angeles, UCLA, 7.3m, 49s, Spitz A
- Santa Barbara, CA, 7.3m, 80s, Spitz A1
- Stamford, CT, Spitz A1
- Topeka, KS, 6.1m, 30s, Viewlex Goto Mercury
- March 19: London, 20.3m, 350s, Zeiss IV
- March 23: Lincoln, NE, 7.3m, 60s, Spitz A2
- September: Nishinomiya, Japan, 20.5m, Prototype Nobuoka I
- September 12: Hasting, NE, 7.3m, 48s,
- October 20: Boston, MA, 18.3m, 314s, Prototype Korkosz
- December 6: Claremont, CA, 6m, 48s, Spitz A2
- December 16: Oklahoma City, OK,
- Moscow, 8m, 70s, Zeiss ZKP1
- Pilsen, USSR (Czech Republic), 6m, 30s, Zeiss ZKP1
- Bremen, Germany (FRG), 6m, 35s, Zeiss ZKP1 ? (see 1952)
- Grunendeich, Germany (FRG), 6.3m, 30s, Prototype
- Pyatigorsk, USSR (Russia), 6m, 20s,
- Muzaffarpur, India, 6m, 40s, Zeiss ZKP1
- Nanjing, China, 10m, Provider
- Cap Town, South Africa,
- Ann Arbor, MI, 6m, 36s, Spitz A1
- Bronx, NY, 6.1m, 35s, Spitz A2
- Carliste, PA, 9.14m, 90s, Spitz A
- Chattanooga, TN, 7.3m, 40s, Prototype in 1951
- Dahlonega, GA, 4.6m, 45s, Spitz A1
- New Haven, CT, 7.3m, 50s, Spitz A1
- Provo, UT, 7.3m, 65s, Viewlex Goto Venus
- St Petersburg, FL, 7.3m, 46s, Spitz A1
- May 16: Tokyo, Japan, 8m, 60s, Goto Mars M1
- June 6: Astrakhan, USSR (Russia), 6m, Prototype UP-4
- July 17: Gamagori, Japan, 10m, Prototype Kowa
- October 22: Auckland, New Zealand, 7.6m, 84s, Spitz A2
- October 25: Leningrad, USSR (Russia), 23m, 300s, Zeiss IV (Saint Petersburg later)
- Arakawa, Japan,
- Wakayama, Japan, 8m, 70s, Prototype Kaneko
- Tokyo, Japan, Provider of lens since 1926
- Brno, USSR (Czech Republic), 8m, 70s, Zeiss ZKP1
- Berlin, USSR (GDR), 60s, first Zeiss ZKP1
- Novokuznetsk, USSR (Russia), Prototype
- Christchurch, New Zealand, 10m, 100s, Spitz A1
- Albuquerque, NM, 3m, 25s,
- Alma, MI, 7.3m, 43s, Spitz A1
- Bellingham, WA, 7.3m, 60s, Spitz A2
- Columbia, SC, 7.9m, 60s, Minolta MS-10
- Costa Mesa, CA, 7.3m, 51s, Spitz A1
- Emporia, KS, 7.3m, 72s, Spitz A2
- Erie, PA, 6.1m, 40s, Spitz A2
- Evansville, IN, 9.14m, 48s, Spitz A1
- Findlay, OH, 7.3m, 50s, Goto S2
- Huntsville, TX, 7.3m, 30s, Spitz A2
- Kalamazoo, MI, 9.14m, 86s, Spitz A2
- Kenmore, WA, 7.3m, 50s,
- Saint Augustine, FL, 9.14m, 60s, Spitz A2
- San Diego, CA, 6.1m, 40s,
- USAFA, CO, 15.2m, 124s, Spitz B
- January 29: New York, 22.8m, Zeiss IV (Hayden)
​- March 19: Hiroshima, Japan, 18m, 300s, Minolta S2
- April 23: Lima, Perou, 13m, 140s, Prototype Mendivil
- May 15: Kherson, USSR (Ukraine), 11m, 120s, Zeiss ZKP1
- June 8: Akashi, Japan, 23m, 410s, Zeiss UPP 23/3
- September 22: Edmonton, Canada, 7.3m, 75s, Goto Viewlex Venus
- October 12: Johannesburg, South Africa, 20m, 400s, Zeiss III (1956: bought at Hamburg, upgraded to III at Oberkochen)
- November 20: Praha, USSR, (Czech Republic), 20m, 300s, Zeiss UPP 23/3
- December 20: Kirov, USSR (Russia), Prototype?
- Tokyo, Japan, Goto Mars M1 (delivered in December 1959)
- Dresden, USSR (GDR), 6m, 24s, Zeiss ZKP1
- Perm, USSR (Russia), Zeiss ZKP1
​- Yoshkar-Ola, USSR (Russia), 10m, 140s, Zeiss ZKP1
- Alpine, TX, 9.1m, 40s, Spitz A2?
- Amherst, MA, 9.1m, 60s, Spitz A3P ?
- Cincinnati, OH, 9.8m, 69s, Spitz A3P
- Danbury, CT, 7.3m, 40s, Spitz Nova III
- Fair Lawn, NJ, 6.1m, 50s, Spitz A1 (or A2)
- Greenville, SC, 9.1m, 50s, Spitz A2
- Lakeland, FL, 9.1m, 80s, Spitz A2
- Lakewood, OH, 6.1m, 60s, Spitz A2
- Madison, WI, 5.2m, 75s, Spitz A2
- Miami, FL, 6m, 30s, Spitz A1 (1960?)
- Mystic, CT, 9.1m, 84s, Spitz A2
- Savona, Italy, 5m, 45s, Galileo III (1960?)
- Tempe, AZ, 6.1m, 50s, Goto Viewlex Mercury (1959?)
- Washington, DC, 7.3m, 70s,
- May 5: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (Escola Naval), 6m, 40s, Spitz A2
- April 12: Bremerhaven, Germany (FRG), 6m, 30s, Zeiss ZKP1
- July 4: Novorossiysk, USSR (Russia), 8m, 59s, Zeiss ZKP1
- July 24: Caracas, Venezuela, 20m, 327s, Zeiss III
- August 15: Cherkasy, USSR (Ukraine), 8m, 80s, Zeiss ZKP1
- September: Clemson, SC, 7.3m, 38s, Spitz A3P
- October 1: San Antonio, TX, 9.1m, 95s, Spitz A3P
- November: Kenosha, WI, 7.3m, 30s, Spitz
- December 11: Nuremberg, Germany (FRG), 18m, 286s, Zeiss III (upgraded to III at Oberkochen)
- December 12: Honolulu, HI, 9.1m, 100s, Spitz A3P
- Hradec Kralove, USSR (Czech Republic), 6.5m, Zeiss ZKP1
- Porto Torres, Italy, 5m, Galileo Model III
- Ljubljana, USSR (Slovenia), 6m, 50s, Zeiss ZKP1
- Ekaterinenburg, USSR (Russia), 4m, 30s, Prototype Moscow UP-2
- Shizuoka, Japan, 10m, 150s, Goto Mars M1
- Arzamas, USSR (Russia), 6m, 75s, Prototype Moscow APS-3
- Annapolis, MD, 7.3m, 40s, Spitz A2
- Baton Rouge, LA, 9.1m, 100s, Spitz A3P
- Dallas, TX, 9.1m, 80s, Spitz A3P
- Dearborn, MI, 7.3m, 48s, Spitz A3P
- Dover, DE, 9.1m, 60s, Spitz A3P
- Grand Rapids, MI, 9.8m, 88s, Goto M1
- Lebanon, PA, 7.3m, 40s, Spitz Nova
- Los Altos Hills, CA, 7.3m, Goto Venus S3
- Menasha, WI, 7.6m, 75s, Spitz A2
- Minneapolis, MN, 12.2m, 160s, Spitz C (the special one)
- Parkersburg, WV, 8.3m, 72s, Spitz A3P
- Parm Heights, OH, 7.3m, 53s, Spitz A3P
- Philadelphia, PA, 6.1m, 30s, Spitz A3P
- Pleasant Hill, CA, 7.9m, 50s, Spitz A3P
- Saint Johnsbury, VT, 6.1m, 28s, Spitz A2
- Salinas, CA, 9.1m, 60s, Spitz A3P
- Tahoma Park, MD, 7.3m, 42s, Spitz A2
- Tiffin, OH, 6.1m, 30s, Spitz A2
- University Center, MI, 7.3m, 40s, Spitz A3P
- Windsor, CT, 6.1m, 18s, Spitz A3P
- January 21: Bridgeport, CT, 10.1m, 125s, Goto Viewlex M1 (Mars)
- February 17: Donetsk, USSR (Ukraine), 12m, 120s, Zeiss ZKP1
- March 24: Leipzig, USSR (GDR), 6m, 40s, Zeiss ZKP1 (from 1957?)
- March: Etajima, Japan, 10m, 97s, Goto M1
- March: Pullman, WA, 7.3m, 55s, Spitz
- April: Vladimir, USSR (Russia), 8m, 60s, Prototype Moscow UP-4
- May 24: Dimitrovgrad, USSR (Bulgaria), 6m, 45s, Prototype Milko Milanov (47 projectors)
- August 10: Vilnius, USSR (Lithuania), 12.3m, 146s, Zeiss ZKP1
- August: Hamamatsu, Japan, 10m, 80s, Prototype Kowa n°2
- Fall: Bakersfield, CA, 7.3m, 73s, Spitz A3P (dedicated early January 1963)
- September 29: Kolkata, India, 23.2m, 600s, Zeiss UPP 23/2s (inauguration: July 2, 1963)
- October 6: Schwerin, USSR (GDR), Zeiss ZKP1
- November 3: Nagoya, Japan, 20.2m, 445s, Zeiss IV (5th Zeiss in Japan)
- November: Imperial, CA, 7.3m, 50s, Spitz A3P
- December: Hutchinson, KS, 6m, 40s, Spitz A2
- Napier, New Zealand, 6m 40s, Zeiss ZKP1 (bought by Harold Holt in 1961)
- Muroran, Japan, 10m, 100s, Goto M1 (or April 1, 1963...)
- Kanagawa, Japan, 10m, 79s, Goto M1
- Moscow, USSR (Russia), ??
- Aptos, CA, 7.3m, 47s, Spitz
- Carlsbad, NM, 9.1m, 55s, Spitz A3P
- Charleston, WV, 7.3m, 65s, Spitz A3P
- Coshocton, OH, 7.3m, 55s, Spitz A3P
- Frederick, MD, 7.3m, 70s, Spitz A3P
- Hartford, CT, 7.3m, 50s, Spitz A3P
- Indianapolis, IN, 7.3m, 80s, Spitz 1024?
- Johnson City, TN, 7.3m, 45s, Spitz A3P
- Louisville, KY, 9.1m, 80s, Spitz A3P
- Massapequa, NY, 7.3m, 60s, Spitz A3P
- Middleburg Heights, OH, 7.3m, 50s, Spitz A3P
- Oswego, NY, 6.1m, 50s, Spitz A3P
- January 22: Hannover, 6m, 36s, Zeiss ZKP1 (No. 135, inauguration: May 25, 1963)
- April: Okayama, Japan, 15m, 269s, Goto M2
- April: Tsuyama, Japan, 8m, 70s, Prototype Nishimura
- April 16: Saint Louis, MO, 18.3m, 403s, Goto L1 (designed by Gyo Obata)
- July: Otaru, Japan, 7.5m, 66s, Goto S3
- October 7: Halle Kanena, USSR (GDR), 8m, 50s, Zeiss ZKP1 (No. 164)
- November: Odessa, USSR (Ukraine), in a church
- November 15: Reno, NV, 9.1m, 70s, Spitz A3P
- Santiago de Cali, Colombia, Zeiss ZKP1 (February 1967?)
- Vladikavkaz, USSR (Russia), 8m, 60s, Zeiss ZKP1
- Alexandria, VA, 7.3m, 40s, Spitz A3P
- Chenay, WA, 7.3m, 50s, Spitz A1
- Chesapeake, VA, 9.1m, 60s, Spitz A3P
- Dayton, OH, 9.1m, 100s, Spitz A3P
- Elgin, IL, 7.3m, 55s, Spitz A3P
- Fairfax, VA, 9.1m, 71s, Spitz A3P
- Lakewood, CO, 10.1m, 130s, Goto Viewlex Mars
- Manhattan, KS, 6.1m, 35s, Spitz A3P
- Mt Vernon, WA, 9.1m, 50s, Spitz A3P
- Peoria, IL, 10m, 118s, Goto Viewlex Mars (M1)
- Rexburg, ID, 7.3m, 67s, Spitz
- San Mateo, CA, 9.1m, 75s, Spitz A3P
- Tyler, TX, 9.1m, 115s, Spitz A3P
- Walla Walla, WA, 6.7m, 45s, Spitz
- Weirton, WV, 7.3m, 40s, Spitz A3P
- West Islip, NY, 9.1m, 78s, Spitz A3P
- Williamstown, MA, 6.1m, 30s, Spitz A3P
- March 29: Columbus, OH, 9.1m, 100s, Spitz A3P
- June 20: Vienne, Austria, 20m, 240s, Zeiss IV
- June 22: Riga, USSR (Latvia), 16m, Zeiss UPP-23/3 in a church
- July 22: Ufa, USSR (Russia), 8m, 85s, Zeiss ZKP1
- July: Houton, TX, 15.2m, 232s, Spitz STP
- August 1: Yokohama, Japan,
- August 18: Bangkok, Thailand, 20m, 463s, Zeiss IV
- November 6: Bochum, Germany (FRG), 20m, 248s, Zeiss IV
- December 12: Winston Salem, NC, 6.1m, 34s, Spitz Nova A1
- Pirna, USSR (GDR), 4.4m, 20s, Prototype Selbstau
- Obihiro, Japan, 10m, 82s, Goto M1
- Serov, USSR (Russia), 4.5m, 20s, Prototype: Novosibirsky Mechanical Plant
- Seewiesen, Germany (FRG), 9.1m, Zeiss ZKP1
- Havana, Cuba, 6m, 59s, Zeiss?? (probably never installed)
- Ortona, Italy, 6m, 45s, Galileo III
- Winnipeg, Canada, 8m, 60s, Spitz A3P
- Burnaby, Canada, 9.1m, 77s, Spitz A3PR
- Akron, OH, 9.1m, 53s, Spitz A3P
- Alamosa, CO, 7.3m, 40s, Spitz A3P
- Birmingham, AL, 9.1m, 87s, Spitz A3P
- Canton, OH, 7.3m, 65s, Spitz A3P
- Castine, ME, 6.4m, 30s, Spitz A3P
- Decorah, IA, 7.3m, 65s, Spitz A3P
- Dubuque, IA, 9.1m, 65s, Goto Venus (S3)
- Erie, MI, 4m, 43s, Spitz A3P
- East Lansing, MI, 15.2m, 140, Spitz STP
- Fremont, CA, 7.3m, 50s, Spitz A3P
- Harmony, PA, 7.3m, 50s, Spitz A3P (1965?)
- Hermitage, PA, 6.1m, 45s, Spitz Nova III
- La Porte, TX, 7.3m, 32s, Spitz A3P
- Lewiston, ME, 6.1m, 25s, Spitz A3P
- Los Angeles (Griffith), 22.9m, 638s, replacement of the Zeiss II (1935) by a Zeiss IV
- Mansfield, OH, 7.3m, 40s, Spitz A3P
- Meadville, PA, 9.1m, 69s, Spitz A3P
- Normal, IL, 9.1m, 60s, Spitz A3P
- Oneonta, NY, 7.3m, 28s, Spitz A3P
- Oshkosh, WI, 9.1m, 50s, Spitz A3P
- Pittsburg, KS, 9.1m, 50s, Spitz A3P
- Pittsburgh, PA, 7.3m, 50s, Spitz A3P
- Plattsburgh, NY, 7.3m, 70s, Spitz A3P (1965?)
- Rancho Cucamonga, CA, 9.1m, 76s,
- Shreveport, LA, 9.1m, 100s, Spitz A3P
- Spring Grove, PA, 6.1m, 70s, Spitz Nova III
- Stevens Point, WI, 7.3m, 70s, Spitz A3P (1963?)
- Strongsville, OH, 7.3m, 34s, Spitz A3P
- Sylvania, OH, 7.3m, 50s, Spitz A3P
- Tampa, FL, 9.1m, 90s, Spitz A3PR
- Waco, TX, 7.3m, 80s, Spitz A3P
- Westland, MI, 9.1m, 71s, Spitz A3P
- Westlake, OH, 6.1m, 35s, Spitz Nova III
- West Palm Beach, FL, 9.1m, 61s, Spitz Nova III
- February 1: Colombo, Ceylon, 23m, 570s, Zeiss UPP 23/4
- March: San Marcos, CA, 9.1m, 100s, Spitz A3P
- June 16: Berlin, Germany (FRG), 20m, 300s, Zeiss IV (Foerster Sternwarte)
- July 20: Lisboa, Portugal, 23m, 330s, Zeiss UPP 23/4
- July 29: Minsk, USSR (Belarus), 11m, 100s, Zeiss ZKP1
- November: Corpus Christi, TX, 10.1m, 100s, Goto Venus S3
- November 26: Salt Lake City, UT, 15.2m, 200s, Spitz STP (aka "Jake")
- November 27: Porbandar, India, 8m, 80s, Zeiss ZKP1
- December 17: Herzberg, USSR (GDR), 8m, 70s, Zeiss ZKP1
- December 19, 1965: Eilenburg, USSR (GDR), 6m, 30s, Zeiss ZKP1
- Fall: Grand Island, NE, 9.1m, 65s, Spitz A3P
- Melbourne, Australia, 10m, 110s, Goto Mars (M1)
- Baoding, China, 8m, 80s, XTY-1
- 1965: Zagreb, Yugoslavia (Croatia), 8m, 50s, Zeiss ZKP1
- 1965: Rostock, USSR (GDR), 6m, 30s, Zeiss ZKP1
- 1965: Bautzen, USSR (GDR), 6m, 42s, Zeiss ZKP1
- Vinnitsa, USSR (Ukraine), 9m, 80s, Zeiss ZKP1
- Azusa, CA, 7.3m, 75s, Spitz A3P
- Davie, FL, 12.2m, 100s, Spitz A3P
- Fremont, NE, 9.1m, 65s, Spitz A3P
- Harrisburg, PA, 9.1m, 100s, Spitz A3P
- Latrobe, PA, 9.1m, 64s, Spitz A3P
- Macon, GA, 12.2m, 140s, Spitz A3P
- Monroeville, PA, 6.1m, 65s, Spitz Nova III
- Newburgh, NY, 9.1m, 70s, Spitz A3P
- Port Chester, NY, 7.3m, 64s, Spitz A3P
- Trenton, NJ, 12.2m, 149s, Spitz STP
- January 7, 1966: Koln, Germany (FRG), 6m, 30s, Zeiss ZKP1
- April 1, 1966: Montreal, Canada, 20m, 400s, Zeiss IV-B
- June 7, 1966: Athens, Greece, 15m, 250s, Zeiss IV
- October 10, 1966: Santiago de Cuba, 8m, 63s, Zeiss ZKP1
- October 15, 1966: Recklinghausen, Germany (FRG), 8m, 74s, Zeiss ZKP1
- December 20, 1966: Buenos Aires, Argentina, 20m, 360s, Zeiss IV
- 1966: Tula, USSR (Russia), 6m, 35s, Zeiss ZKP1
- 1966: Vigo, Spain, 8m, 30s, Zeiss ZKP1
- 1966: Senftenberg, USSR (GDR), 8m, 40s, Zeiss ZKP1
- January 2, 1967: Mexico City, 20m, 440s, Zeiss IV
- January 3, 1967: Aktobe, 10m, 50s, Zeiss ZKP1
- May 24, 1967: Baton Rouge, 18.3m, 248s, Zeiss III (from Griffith Zeiss II)
- July 1, 1967: Calgary, 20m, 244s, Zeiss UPP 23/6
- 1967: Atlanta, 21.3m, 500s, Zeiss IV (Fernbank)
- 1967: Dessau, 8m, 42s, Zeiss ZKP1
- 1967: Norfolk, 12.2m, 180s, Spitz A3P
- 1967: Tel Aviv, 12m, 160s, Spitz A3P
- 1967: Youngstown, 12.2m, 145s, Spitz A3P
- 1967: Kaluga, 12.5m, 120s, Goto Venus
- 1967: Ruston, 12.2m, 120s, Spitz A4-RPY
- 1967: Bowling Green, 12.2m, 110s, Spitz A3P
- 1967: Santa Ana, 9.14m, 100s, Spitz A3P
- 1967: Toledo, 12.2m, 92s, Spitz A3P
- 1967: Chatham, 10m, 87s, Goto Venus S3
- 1967: Kutztown, 10.4m, 85s, Spitz A3P
- 1967: Medford, 9.14m, 80s, Spitz A3P
- 1967: Racine, 9.14m, 80s, Spitz A3P
- 1967: Muncie, 9.14m, 75s, Spitz A3P
​- WPD
- IPS: Planetarium Centennial
- GDP: Centennial of the planetarium
- Jordan D. Marché II, Theaters of time and Space: American Planetaria, 1930-1970, ed. Rutgers University Press, 2005
- William Firebrace, Star Theatre, The story of the Planetarium, ed. Reaktion books, 2017
- Heinz Letsch, Captured Stars, ed. VEB Carl Zeiss Jena, 1959
- Walter Villiger, Le Planétaire Zeiss, (Das Zeiss-planetarium), ed. Bernard Vopelius, 1926